Gnanasara and Vijitha Theros need psychological help - Dilan

General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena, Galabodaaththe Gnanasara Thero and Secretary of the Jathika Bala Sena Watareka Vijitha Thero should both get psychological help, Minister of Foreign Employment Promotions Dilan Perera stated.

He told Ada Derana that he calls upon medical specialists to help cure the psychological problems of these two Theros as their behaviour was discrediting and bringing shame upon Buddhism adding that they were two sides of the same coin.

Speaking on the incident in which Gnanasara Thero stormed a press conference and verbally abused Vijitha Thero, Minister Perera charged that Gnanasara Thero was fulfilling a contract for the western countries in coalition with UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay.

He added that the BBS was engaged in trying to confirm accusations by the Western world that there is no religious harmony in Sri Lanka and that Buddhists were a violent group.

The Minister strongly condemned the actions of the BBS group and reiterated its agenda to discredit Sri Lankans in front of the whole world.

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