Modi will not betray Tamils - Vaiko

MDMK general secretary Vaiko said that a Modi-led Government at the Centre would not repeat the blunders of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government in Sri Lankan Tamils and fishermen issues.

Mobilising support for the party candidate in the Tenkasi (reserved) segment N. Thirumalaikumar at Sankarankovil on Friday, he said the UPA government, in which the DMK was a vital constituent, paved the way for the “massacre of Sri Lankan Tamils” by providing men and materials to the island nation’s armed forces.

Even after 578 Tamil fishermen were hunted down on the highseas by the Sri Lankan navy, the Indian Government did nothing to save its citizens.

If BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was given an opportunity to lead the new government, he would never repeat such blunders. “I guarantee the voters that he will never betray the Tamils,” Mr. Vaiko said. 

He assured that he would continue to be the first person to safeguard the welfare of minorities, The Hindu reported.

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