Suspect remanded till April 3 over forging currency

The suspect arrested by the CID over the printing of fake Rs.5000 notes has been remanded until April 3, the Police Spokesman stated.

Sources revealed earlier today that a garment businessman named Rolick Augustus Krishantha Perera had allegedly given the forged Rs.5000 notes worth Rs.2 million to UNP MP Sajith Premadasa’s sister Dulanjalee Premadasa.

Apart from the Rs. 2 million which Dulanjalee attempted to deposit at a private bank in Colombo 7, police found 471 Rs.5000 notes at his house as well as the machine used to forge the currency.

Dulanjalee and her husband had invested in Perera’s garment business and were given this sum of money as the returns on their investment.

The businessman in question had maintained a close relationship with the couple.

Although the bank staff stated that MP’s sister had acted in an aggressive manner when she was informed that the money had been forged, no information regarding her involvement in this forgery racket has been uncovered yet, police stated.

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