Sri Lanka Tamil party willing to revive talks with President

 Sri Lanka's main Tamil party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has said that they are willing to revive direct talks with the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to find a political solution to the ethnic issue.

The TNA controlled Northern Provincial Council has unanimously agreed to revive the stalled direct talks with the President, according to a report in The Hindu.

The TNA leader R. Sampanthan however, has said that the direct talks should not have any pre-conditions attached.

President Rajapaksa Delivering the reply speech at the final budget debate in parliament in December last year requested the TNA leader and Chief Minister of Northern Province C.V. Vigneswaran to join hands with the government to create national harmony.

The talks between the government and the TNA stalled in January 2012 when the government approved a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to find the lasting solutions to national issues.

However, the TNA boycotted the PSC saying that it is not the suitable mechanism to reach a political solution to the ethnic problem.

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