Cameron secures full backing of EU for resolution on Sri Lanka

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said he has secured the full support of the European Union for the UN resolution on Sri Lanka UK co-sponsored with the United States.

Addressing the press conference at the close of European Council on Friday (March 21) Cameron said Sri Lankan President's failure to properly address the issues of accountability for the past and bring reconciliation in the country has necessitated the international investigation called on by the resolution.

The UK leader said he raised the situation in Sri Lanka, an issue he deeply cares about as he wants to see reconciliation in the country.

"I also raised the situation in Sri Lanka. As you know, this is an issue I care deeply about. I want to see reconciliation in the country, and that means properly addressing issues of the past. President Rajapaksa has failed to do this, so now we need an international, independent investigation into alleged war crimes," Cameron said.

He said the UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay has called for an international, independent investigation this, and that is what the UK co-sponsored resolution at the UN Human Rights Council supports.

"Countries will vote on that resolution next week, and today I secured the full backing of all of the European Union for that approach," the PM said.

During his visit to Sri Lanka to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in November 2013, Cameron gave an ultimatum to the Sri Lankan government to conduct a credible transparent and independent investigation into the war crime allegations by March 2014.

The UK Prime Minister warned that if Sri Lanka fails to initiate an investigation by March he will use UK's position in the UNHRC to call for a full credible independent international investigation.

The Draft Resolution HRC25/1 "Promoting reconciliation, accountability, and human rights in Sri Lanka" submitted by the US, UK and few other countries to the 25th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva calls for an international investigation into the alleged war crimes committed by both the government and the Tamil Tiger terrorist group LTTE during the armed conflict that ended in May of 2009.

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