Sri Lanka Police offer Rs. 1 million reward for information on absconding LTTE cadre

Sri Lanka Police today announced a reward of 1 million rupees for anyone who is able to provide accurate information regarding the wanted criminal and LTTE suspect, Kajeeban Ponniah Selvanayagam alias Gopi also known as Kasiyan and his assistant.

The Police Spokesman's Office today released a photograph of the suspect along with a description. According to the police description, the 31-year-old suspect is about 6 feet tall and has a scar above his lip on the left side.

The suspect shot and injured a police sub inspector on March 13th when a police team went to the residence he was hiding in Dharmapuram, Kilinochchi to apprehend him.

The suspect, who had escaped from Vavuniya Welfare Centre immediately after the end of conflict, had fled the area and remains at large since then.

The police urged the public to forward any information regarding the suspect by phone to 0112 451 636 or fax to 0112 321 838.

The reward of Rs 1 million will be given to anyone who provides accurate information regarding the criminal and that their identity will be protected, the police assured.

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