Hirunika gets highest preference votes in Colombo

Hirunika Premachandra daughter of assassinated former MP Baratha Lakshman Premachandra has received the highest number of preference votes in the Colombo District with a total of 139,034 votes.

S.M. Marikkar has received the highest number of preference votes from the UNP from the Colombo District with 67,243 votes.

Colombo District (UPFA)

Hirunika Premachandra – 139,034

Udaya Gammanpilla – 115,638

Upali Kodikara - 47,822

Roger Seneviratne – 44,011

Malsha Kumaratunga – 43,324

Colombo District (UNP)

S.M. Marikkar – 67,243

Manju Sri Arangala – 45,654

Mujubar Rahaman – 42,126

Niroshan Padukka – 33,846

Colombo District (JVP)

K.D. Lalkantha – 45,460

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