UN vote on Sri Lanka sends a clear message - US

The United States says that Thursday’s vote in the UNHRC, on a resolution calling for an international probe into alleged human rights violation in Sri Lanka, sends a clear message that the time to pursue lasting peace and prosperity is now and that justice and accountability cannot wait.

The US-sponsored resolution, promoting reconciliation in Sri Lanka, was adopted at the 25th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva today, with a majority of 11 votes.

Twenty-three (23) counties, including US and UK, voted in favor and 12 voted against it while another 12 nations abstained from voting on the resolution, which for the first time explicitly calls for an international probe.

“Today’s vote in the UN Human Rights Council sends a clear message: The time to pursue lasting peace and prosperity is now; justice and accountability cannot wait,” US Secretary of State John Kerry said.

He stated that the resolution reaffirms the commitment of the international community to support the Government of Sri Lanka as it pursues reconciliation and respect for human rights and democratic governance.

“That’s why the resolution requests that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights continues monitoring the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. That’s why it calls on the Office to conduct an investigation into allegations of serious human rights abuses and related crimes during Sri Lanka’s civil war. And that’s why the United States will continue speak out in defense of the fundamental freedoms that all Sri Lankans should enjoy,” he said in a statement, released by the US Department of State.

“We are deeply concerned by recent actions against some of Sri Lanka’s citizens, including detentions and harassment of civil society activists. Further reprisals against these brave defenders of human rights and the dignity of all Sri Lankan citizens would elicit grave concern from the international community.”

“The Sri Lankan people are resilient. They have demonstrated grit and determination through years of war. Now, they are demanding democracy and prosperity in years of peace. They deserve that chance,” Kerry said.

He further said that the United States stands with all the people of Sri Lanka. “We are committed to helping them realize a future in which all Sri Lankans can share in their country’s success.”

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