Karuna doubts SL's intention to solve fishermen issue

Raising doubt over Sri Lanka's intention to solve fishermen issue, DMK president M Karunanidhi on Thursday slammed the latest incident of arrest of Indian fishermen by the island navy, saying if it wants a solution for the matter it should not indulge in such acts.

Referring to Wednesday's arrest of 75 Indian fishermen by the Lankan navy, Karunanidhi said it was shocking and would not have happened without the Sri Lankan government's knowledge.

"If Sri Lanka really wants a solution to this issue, there is no point in it continuing to resort to such activities. There is a doubt if Sri Lankan government is trying to mislead Government of India and that of Tamil Nadu and the fishermen (here)," he said in a statement.

While talks were scheduled between fishermen associations of both countries, Sri Lanka's action and India "not showing any opposition is condemnable," he said.

First round of talks between fishermen representatives of both countries over fishing rights in Palk Strait were held here in January, while the two sides are slated to meet in Colombo on March 25 to take forward the discussions.

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